European Parliament committees
Photo: European Parliament
Before the plenary sessions, the issues are prepared in committees. The committees are formed from the Members of Parliament. They are smaller working groups that specialise in specific areas. All in all, there are 20 standing committees. Additionally, the Parliament may set up sub-committees, committees of inquiry, special committees and temporary committees.
The committees repair reports which are put to vote in the plenary session of the whole Parliament.
Committees and their abbreviations
- Foreign Affairs, AFET
- Human Rights, DROI (sub-committee)
- Security and Defence, SEDE (sub-committee)
- Development, DEVE
- International Trade, INTA
- Budgets, BUDG
- Budgetary Control, CONT
- Economic and Monetary Affairs, ECON
- Employment and Social Affairs, EMPL
- Environmental, Public Health and Food Safety, ENVI
- Industry, Research and Energy, ITRE
- Internal Market and Consumer Protection, IMCO
- Transport and Tourism, TRAN
- Regional Development, REGI
- Agriculture and Rural Development, AGRI
- Fisheries, PECH
- Culture and Education, CULT
- Legal Affairs, JURI
- Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, LIBE
- Constitutional Affairs, AFCO
- Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, FEMM
- Petitions, PETI
- Climate Change, CLIM (temporary committee)
- Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering (special committee)